Saturday, October 6, 2012

Out of Coffee

This morning was pretty tragic in the house of Zimny.... We have absolutely no coffee. Usually there's some amount of some kind of coffee that I can partake of, no sir, not today. The reason for this is because I simply have not put forth the effort to  go to the store.   Instead, this morning I had my (normal) afternoon drink- tea. It was good, but not as satisfying and soul warming as my good ol' cup of Joe.

This got me thinking (like most things do! ha). When we are out of the Bible for long, do we settle for second best? I think I do. I will admit that I haven't read the Bible in quite sometime now (this is an honest blog, remember??), and usually when I haven't read the Bible it's because I'm tired from life stuff. With this week having pounded me with 8 hours of homework since Sunday and I'm still not done, Bible reading has simply not happened. House cleaning has barely happened.  Work, complete homework, sleep, repeat. This has been life lately and it's not all that bad, considering I love my job and sleep, and the homework is interesting. It just means a lot of brain power.  Any "free time" I carve out is given to David or just completely "chilling out"-which David makes me do. My chilling out time is not a bad thing, but I usually do something that requires very little brain activity, like Pintrest! Although I don't believe I should feel guilty about spending some time on Pintrest, I can't help but look at my Bible as a Best Friend looking at me with a sad face and longing in their eyes because we just haven't spent time together, or like eating at Burger King when mom's home cookin' is right in front of me, or drinking tea instead of my morning coffee. With just a little effort, I could be so much more satisfied with life, my intimacy with Jesus, relationships, and well, just everything improves when I'm in God's Word. Lazy? oh my, yes. Laziness is one of my enemies when it comes to Bible reading, I engage in things all day long and still don't find time for some of the items on the "fun list", so usually the last thing I want to do is engage again. But I've had enough tea, it's now time to put forth the effort and get some coffee....