My bathroom is a disaster.
It looks like an ape organized my closet.
I just did 5 loads of laundry because I've been to lazy (and busy) to care.
I can make a list of at least 10 things I'd like to change about the way I look.
Right now, I'm typing this while eating a bowl of Salt and Pepper Kettle Cooked chips. Yes, it's my lunch.
My name is Rachel and I'm not perfect...
... But I am perfectly loved and accepted.
Social media and our society does a pretty darn good job at portraying what "having it all together" looks like. The perfect body, the perfect house, kids, yard, clothing...
Or does it?
Don't get me wrong, I love Instagram like any photo-editing-loving-person. But have I gotten to the point that I won't post a picture of myself or home because I don't think I measure up? Measure up to who? Who am I trying to impress?
"...For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1 Sam. 16:7)
Jesus. He gives the freedom to be me. That's what this verse reminds me of on this 4th of July holiday. Who do I live to impress, please, bring glory to? Jesus. He doesn't mind when my hair looks like a just-awakened three year old's hair or when my dark circles show. He's not looking at those things.
"but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious." (1 Peter 3:4)
Would I rather someone remember me by a perfect haircut, slim figure or tan skin? By my Better Homes and Gardens house? Or would I rather be remembered by the way I love? By the way I serve? By the gentleness of my speech and heart?
The answer is pretty obvious to me.
Taking care of ourselves is important and that goes without saying. So please don't nix all health-care and fashion, this isn't a exodus of style that God is calling us to. But over and over in Scripture He reminds us that we are accepted just as we are. The beauty of Grace. Did you hear me? You are accepted and loved JUST as you are. Imperfections and all. No need to instagram your heart or life before you come to God. He will take all that you are and create a beauty in you far greater than anything Cover girl or Hollister can do for you.
Living to please man is a never ending battle. You will NEVER be attractive enough, have a big enough house, or whatever it is that you perceive people are judging you for. Living like that can get pretty exhausting in a hurry.
If people in your life are doing anything but accepting all of you (this doesn't mean enabling, don't go there) then you need to reevaluate your relationships, because that's not what Jesus wants for you.
Are you captive to an Instagram'd life? Are you hostage to having it all together in the view of your friends and family? I hope you can let go of that today, even just a little bit, and bask in the vast amount of grace, love and acceptance that's been there for you all along.
Ready for my selfie? Oh yeah, I'm rocking the just-barely styled hair and not a fleck of makeup and NO filter! But, this gal is perfectly loved and accepted by Jesus just like this...No Instagram needed ;)
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