Lately I've been thinking that I need to build up my arms, sounds funny for a girl to say that. I don't mean that I want be like Hulk Hogan, but I'd like to be stronger and more lean. Nothing wrong with that, right? Summer is coming and I'll be doing more yard work so I'll need some strength built up for that... Sleeveless shirts and dresses are on the way, so out-with-the-flab-in-with-the-toned!
Recently David and I were sitting on the couch and he decided to read Proverbs 31 to me as an encouragement (not as a hint or lecture, I know what you're thinking..ha!), he is always so encouraging to me. Daily he let's me know that I am " the MOST beautiful" to him and that is just what I need to hear. I know he means more in calling me beautiful than just having toned arms (because I don't right now- ha!) he means I'm beautiful to him on the inside and outside. Well, when he finished reading Proverbs 31, I was left pondering a few verses and they have stuck to my heart for the last several days.
So Pintrest and I are BFF's, we're tight. Tonight I took one of my "Pins" and brought it to life. I took a picture frame, took out the picture and replaced it with white paper. I used a black dry erase marker and wrote this verse Proverbs 31:24:
Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. (ESV)
and it's hanging in our bedroom now...and this next verse has been on my heart too (Prov 3:17)...
She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. (ESV)
Awesome. See, it's Biblical to have toned arms! Okay, so that's kind of stretching it. Thankfully God doesn't think like I do. He means so much more than looking nice for my husband in the new sundress, he is talking about strength for Him, and for my family. When life comes knocking at the Proverbs 31 Woman's door, she is ready - for anything. In fact she is so ready that when life hits, she doesn't just get back up again, she laughs. Joy! She knows who her Maker is, what her purpose is and life doesn't threaten that. Whoa. Could I friend her on Facebook? I have a lot to learn from this girl. I bet she likes coffee too.
The cool thing - King Lemuel's mom was describing someone that he could find, she's rare (v.10) but she's out there. I can be that girl! Right now, in my life, in my home, in my relationship with my husband I can be the Proverbs 31 woman. That's so encouraging to me. The best part, her strength doesn't come from some storehouse she built in the field she purchased, it comes from God. It's Him. He fills her cup, pours her out and when she's empty is there with open arms and a gentle voice saying "come to Me... I will give you rest." She is a hard worker, but her work is for The Maker. I hope this encourages you too...